A kinetic machine simulating snowing indoor in which pure white snowflakles descend and slowly change colour from white to black. At once strangely misplaced and intriguing, a subtile drama unfolds within the bittersweet beauty. It is with great pleasure that we present the work The Ashes of Snow, created specifically for Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art by the artist Carla Chan, who will be presenting her very first exhibition in Denmark.
Manipulated by temperature, the colour of the snow particles changes by means of thermocrome technology, a specialised type of ink that changes colour when subjected to heat. The minimalist expression refers to traditional Chinese ink painting, adding a poetic dimension to the work. The starting point for Chan’s practice is an extended fear of nature and its phenomena and ambiguities. Here, it is the phenomenon of snow that undergoes Chan’s artistic focus. Inspired by a photograph of a snowy mountaintop covered by black layers of carbon particles from a nearby factory, Chan developed her twisted, double-
Chan herself comments on her practice : « Travelling feeds my creative juices. I’m especially obsessed with the Scandinavian winter lanscape and different oft-
Chan’s installations evoke on overwhelming, sublime experience of nature located between neality and illusion, figuration and abstraction. Chan’s installation are often accompanied by a soundtrack that originates from computer-
Exhibition 16 June -
© ArtCatalyse International / Marika Prévosto 2017. All Rights Reserved